• (848) 242-1818
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General Information

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New Jersey has administered statewide assessments since the 1970s, and over the years the testing program has evolved. It began as a measure of basic skills, and after 1996 it has assessed the state's academic standards. In 2002, after the federal government enacted the No Child Left Behind Act, every state was required to test students in mathematics and English language arts (ELA) in grades 3 through 8 and at least once in high school. That mandate is still in effect under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015.

The current NJ Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) are computer-based and aligned to the NJ Student Learning Standards. 

The English language arts assessments focus on reading critically across a range of texts; writing effectively when analyzing text; and building and presenting knowledge through research and the integration of ideas. 

The mathematics assessments focus on conceptual understanding and application of math content, expressing mathematical reasoning and modeling real-world problems. While the English language arts assessments are grade-level specific, the mathematics assessments include grade-level and subject-specific assessments. Some students may take Math-7 or Math-8 where others may take the Algebra I or Geometry assessments depending on the course in which they are currently enrolled.

NJ Department of Education - NJSLA

  • The New Jersey Department of Education resource page for NJ Student Learning Assessments.  


NJSLA Testing Schedule

Coming soon!

Test Prep/Practice Tests

Click here for tutorials!

The purpose of these tutorials is to demonstrate the navigation and tools available for Computer-Based Assessments. The items in these tutorials are samples used to allow students to gain familiarity with the technology platform.

Practice Tests:

English Language Arts Practice Tests

Mathematics Practice Tests

Science Practice Tests

Parent Resources

The New Jersey Parent Portal provides parents and guardians online access to how their child performed on the New Jersey assessments. It offers a secure and convenient way to access the results for your student(s). 

NJSLA Frequently Asked Questions

What subjects are tested and who will be tested? 

English Language Arts - Grades 3 - 9 

Mathematics - Grades 3 - 9 Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2

Science - Grades 5, 8 and 11 

Are 11th graders required to take the NJSLA? 

Students in 11th grade are not required to take the ELA and Math sections of the NJSLA. They are required to take the Science assessment.  

What are the testing graduation requirements for the current high school students? 

The New Jersey Department of Education has published the testing graduation requirements for current high school students here

What happens if I am absent during the day I am scheduled to take a test?

Students who miss a portion of the NJSLA will be required to make-up the parts of the test they missed either in the afternoon on the day they return to school, or the first day they are in school after testing ends.

613 Carlock Ave. Perth Amboy NJ 08861 USA
Ph: (848) 242-1818 | Email: info@middlesexcharter.org
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